My Portfolio

A showcase of my projects and my abilities

My name is Challenge Keendjele

I'm a passionate software developer, but more importantly I'm passionate about the future


Project 1
Coronavirus App


In this project, I made use of Material.ui, GraphQL, and React.js to program a coronavirus app. The application tracks the infection, recoveries and deaths of COVID-19 cases throughout the world.

Project 2
Recipe App


For this project, I pulled data from edamam food api to get information regarding different food recipes. I was inspired by my love of cooking and trying new recipes and ingredients.

Project 3
Movie Database App


Being a big movie head, I decided to create a movie app. I wanted to have an easy way of finding movie descriptions as well as their rating. I made use of a movie api to pull the data from imdb.

Project 4


Not being a gaming engineer, I decided to challenge myself and program a fun small tic-tac-toe game. I made use of vanilla javascript to create this game.